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Sherpa KoM

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Date and Meeting venue

February 6-7, 2013
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
International Relations Office - Palazzina della Viola - Sala del Camino
Via Filippo Re, 4 - 40126 - Bologna

The kick-off meeting of the European project Sherpa, funded under the 7th Framework Programme, will be held in Bologna on 6-7 February 2013. The project, coordinated by Prof. Lorenzo Marconi, Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of the University of Bologna, will last four years and will involve several researches coming from ten institutions framed in the consortium. The first day of the meeting will be focused on the presentation of the consortium, of the planned activities, and of the rules for the project implementation. The second day of the meeting will be devoted to the organization and starting of technical activities.


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